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Full list of published work and preprints. Also available on [Google Scholar] - [arxiv] - [biorxiv]

Implicit Diffusion: Efficient Optimization through Stochastic Sampling
P. Marion, A. Korba, P. Bartlett, M. Blondel, V. De Bortoli, A. Doucet, F. Llinares-López, C. Paquette, Q. Berthet
preprint, 2024

Decoding-time Realignment of Language Models
T. Liu, S. Guo, L. Bianco, D. Calandriello, Q. Berthet, F. Llinares, J. Hoffmann, L. Dixon, M. Valko, M. Blondel
ICML 2024, Spotlight presentation

Differentiable Clustering with Perturbed Spanning Forests
L. Stewart, F. Bach, F. Llinares-López, Q. Berthet
NeurIPS 2023

Mirror Sinkhorn: Fast Online Optimization on Transport Polytopes
M. Ballu, Q. Berthet
ICML 2023

Regression as Classification: Influence of Task Formulation on Neural Network Features
L. Stewart, F. Bach, Q. Berthet, J.-P. Vert

Fast Stochastic Composite Minimization and an Accelerated Frank-Wolfe Algorithm under Parallelization
B. Dubois-Taine, F. Bach, Q. Berthet, A. Taylor
NeurIPS 2022

Efficient and Modular Implicit Differentiation
M. Blondel, Q. Berthet, M. Cuturi, R. Frostig, S. Hoyer, F. Llinares-López, F. Pedregosa, J.-P. Vert
NeurIPS 2022

DeepConsensus improves the accuracy of sequences with a gap-aware sequence transformer
G. Baid, D. E. Cook, K. Shafin, T. Yun, F. Llinares-López, Q. Berthet, A. Belyaeva, A. Töpfer, A. M. Wenger, W. J. Rowell, H. Yang, A. Kolesnikov, W. Ammar, J.-P. Vert, A. Vaswani, C. Y. McLean, M. Nattestad, P.-C. Chang, A. Carroll
Nature Biotechnology, 2022

Deep embedding and alignment of protein sequences
F. Llinares-López, Q. Berthet, M. Blondel, O. Teboul, J.-P. Vert
Nature Methods, 2022

Self-Supervised Learning of Audio Representations, Permutations with Differentiable Ranking
A.N. Carr, Q. Berthet, M. Blondel, O. Teboul, N. Zeghidour
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 28, 708-712. 2021

Noisy Adaptive Group Testing using Bayesian Sequential Experimental Design
M. Cuturi, O. Teboul, Q. Berthet, A. Doucet, J-P. Vert
Preprint, 2020

Learning with Differentiable Perturbed Optimizers
Q. Berthet, M. Blondel, O. Teboul, M. Cuturi, J-P. Vert, F. Bach
NeurIPS 2020, [Video]

Stochastic Optimization for Regularized Wasserstein Estimators
M. Ballu, Q. Berthet, F. Bach
ICML 2020

Fast Differentiable Sorting and Ranking
M. Blondel, O. Teboul, Q. Berthet, J. Djolonga
ICML 2020

Statistical and Computational Rates in Graph Logistic Regression
N. Baldin, Q. Berthet
initial version - [PDF]

Estimation of smooth densities in Wasserstein distance
J. Weed, Q. Berthet
COLT 2019 - extended version at Annals of Statistics, 50 (3), 1519-1540 (2022)

Regularized Contextual Bandits
X. Fontaine, Q. Berthet, V. Perchet

Statistical Windows in Testing for the Initial Distribution of a Reversible Markov Chain
Q. Berthet, V. Kanade

Unsupervised Alignment of Embeddings with Wasserstein Procrustes
E. Grave, A. Joulin, Q. Berthet

Detection of Planted Solutions for Flat Satisfiability Problems
Q. Berthet, J. S. Ellenberg

Exact recovery in the Ising blockmodel
Q. Berthet, P. Rigollet, P. Srivastava
Annals of Statistics, 47 (4), 1805-1834 (2019)

Fast Rates for Bandit Optimization with Upper-Confidence Frank-Wolfe
Q. Berthet, V. Perchet
NeurIPS 2017, Spotlight presentation

Average-case Hardness of RIP Certification
T. Wang, Q. Berthet, Y. Plan
NeurIPS 2016

Resource Allocation for Statistical Estimation
Q. Berthet, V. Chandrasekaran
Proceedings of the IEEE, 104 (1), 111-125. 2016

Statistical and Computational Trade-offs in Estimation of Sparse Principal Components
T. Wang, Q. Berthet, R. J. Samworth
Annals of Statistics, 44 (5), 1896-1930. 2016 [Video]

Optimal Testing for Planted Satisfiability Problems
Q. Berthet
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, 298-317. 2015

Computational Lower Bounds for Sparse PCA
Q. Berthet, P. Rigollet
Extended version, Best Paper at COLT 2013, [Video]

Optimal Detection of Sparse Principal Components in High Dimension
Q. Berthet, P. Rigollet
Annals of Statistics, 41(4), 1780-1815. 2013